When you need to get cash do you say you're "going to the mac machine" OR do you say you're "going to the atm machine?"
Apparently here in LA if you say "mac machine" people look at you like you have 3 heads....so I'm wondering if it's just an east coast thing to say "mac machine."
By the way, I say "mac machine."
Friday, April 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Fly, yes. Land, no.

May 22nd my friends....May 22nd. It has been a long time since Indy has graced the screen of movie theaters. Next month is going to be the first time in 19 years we get to join Henry Jones Jr. on yet another adventure. I honestly can't understand why movies like this are not made anymore...the story, the originality, the creativity, the music, emotion, acting...everything.
I remember seeing each of the first 3 movies with my Dad when I was young, and I think part of the reason why I find these movies so awesome and feel a connection with them, is because he most likely enjoyed the films just as much as I did, if not even more. I remember him covering my eyes during 'Temple of Doom' to somehow protect me from the imagery from when Mola Ram was removing the heart of one of his sacrifice victims by hand. It is odd...everytime i think of the Indiana Jones films, I tend to think of my dad and our relationship....strange...? yes i know, but for some reason I do.
I do plan on going to see this one on opening weekend...and I rarely if EVER go on opening weekends. However...IF i can wait (which I probably won't be able to) I will do my best to hold out and see the film when my mom and dad visit in July....but i am not totally sure the film will be out that long in theaters. If anything I will see it, then go see it AGAIN when he visits...won't be too difficult to do :-)
Monday, April 14, 2008
I found it!
Newton's Folly Granny Smith Draft Cider! It's the closest in taste to Woodpecker Cider (only found on the east coast) that I love so much! I was shopping at Trader Joe's and decided to give it a shot and sure enough it tastes just like Woodpecker Cider! So, this can be added to my reasons for "loving" California.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Well thank you for all your broiler comments. Now let me explain or rather let me tell you my funny story.
My parents had an oven where the broiler was a separate drawer at the bottom. My first apartment and everywhere that I've lived also had an oven where the broiler was at the bottom. Kevin and I moved into our current house 4 years ago this June. I distinctly remember (and so does Kevin) once needing to broil something in those 4 years. The one time we broiled..we broiled salmon. I remember turning the broiler on, putting the salmon into the "separate drawer at the bottom" and then setting the timer for the amount indicated on the salmon recipe. I remember when the timer went off the salmon was BARELY cooked..so we cooked it longer and it took what seemed forever to cook the salmon. Anyway, we ate the salmon that night. Ok so 4 years later I come across my recipe for sun dried tomatoes & arugula tartines...which yes, you guessed right...calls for the BROILER! well, my tartines go in the broiler..you know the "separate drawer at the bottom".....and in 3 minutes the cheese on top should have melted. I go to check and no melting...I was perplexed...HUH? What is going on? I wait another 5 minutes...still no melted cheese on my tartines! HHMMMMPH! Now I'm on my knees looking into the broiler and then I see something through the oven door. It's the freakin' burner at the top of the oven chamber! HOW DUMB! Who knew?!?!? Apparently not me! Like Lauren, I thought all ovens had a broiler at the bottom. My pondering thought (ah-ha pondering thought line taken from someone else's blog LOL) is why don't they get rid of the drawer at the bottom and make my oven bigger if the broiler & oven are all in one place?!?!?!?!
My parents had an oven where the broiler was a separate drawer at the bottom. My first apartment and everywhere that I've lived also had an oven where the broiler was at the bottom. Kevin and I moved into our current house 4 years ago this June. I distinctly remember (and so does Kevin) once needing to broil something in those 4 years. The one time we broiled..we broiled salmon. I remember turning the broiler on, putting the salmon into the "separate drawer at the bottom" and then setting the timer for the amount indicated on the salmon recipe. I remember when the timer went off the salmon was BARELY cooked..so we cooked it longer and it took what seemed forever to cook the salmon. Anyway, we ate the salmon that night. Ok so 4 years later I come across my recipe for sun dried tomatoes & arugula tartines...which yes, you guessed right...calls for the BROILER! well, my tartines go in the broiler..you know the "separate drawer at the bottom".....and in 3 minutes the cheese on top should have melted. I go to check and no melting...I was perplexed...HUH? What is going on? I wait another 5 minutes...still no melted cheese on my tartines! HHMMMMPH! Now I'm on my knees looking into the broiler and then I see something through the oven door. It's the freakin' burner at the top of the oven chamber! HOW DUMB! Who knew?!?!? Apparently not me! Like Lauren, I thought all ovens had a broiler at the bottom. My pondering thought (ah-ha pondering thought line taken from someone else's blog LOL) is why don't they get rid of the drawer at the bottom and make my oven bigger if the broiler & oven are all in one place?!?!?!?!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Ok can everyone reading this please tell me where the broiler is in their oven? I will explain my question once I get a few comments.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Ok so as I'm sure most of you know I've got this love/hate relationship going with California. The past few months it's been more of a hate relationship but the holidays are to blame for that. Since spring has come upon us it's slowly turning into that love relationship again. Let me explain why....
#1 The roses on our patio are in full bloom. To think that just 4 years ago we planted this dinky little rose climber and now it's absolutely fantastic to look at and the smell is spring at its best.
#2 Our orange tree is getting its flowers. If you leave our patio door open you can smell the orange tree while standing in our kitchen. And the oranges are really juicy! 2 days in a row now I've made freshly squeezed orange juice for myself. AND the boys love the juice too.
#3 Farmers markets. Plain & simple farmers markets. I am back into the routine of buying all our fruits & veggies at the local farmers markets. And I spend less than $20 a week which makes me even more happier! It makes me want to cook even more than I normally do...tonight I made fresh arugula pesto sauce over pasta. Deeeelish if I don't say so myself.
#4 Spending all our afternoons either in the backyard or at the park (it was a cold winter here in southern CA).
#5 Flip flops.
Ah...yes folks I am in love with California again.
#1 The roses on our patio are in full bloom. To think that just 4 years ago we planted this dinky little rose climber and now it's absolutely fantastic to look at and the smell is spring at its best.
#2 Our orange tree is getting its flowers. If you leave our patio door open you can smell the orange tree while standing in our kitchen. And the oranges are really juicy! 2 days in a row now I've made freshly squeezed orange juice for myself. AND the boys love the juice too.
#3 Farmers markets. Plain & simple farmers markets. I am back into the routine of buying all our fruits & veggies at the local farmers markets. And I spend less than $20 a week which makes me even more happier! It makes me want to cook even more than I normally do...tonight I made fresh arugula pesto sauce over pasta. Deeeelish if I don't say so myself.
#4 Spending all our afternoons either in the backyard or at the park (it was a cold winter here in southern CA).
#5 Flip flops.
Ah...yes folks I am in love with California again.
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