Thursday, May 29, 2008

Gas Prices SUCK

Ok so like my father in law I do not understand how gas on Wednesday can be $4.09 and then on Thursday morning it's $4.19. I just don't get it. Our gas station on the corner has the following prices: Regular is $4.19. Plus is $4.29. Premium is $4.39. This is completely ridiculous. I mean I don't drive as much anymore but you can bet I'd be even more ticked if I was still working full time and driving all over the place. I remember when living in NJ I would drive up to the gas station and ask for $2 worth of gas - always just enough gas to hold me over until payday. $2 nowadays barely gets you a half gallon of gas. The news talks about how expensive gas is but not one of them ever explains why the prices are going up so rapidly. Ok I'm done.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

May 17, 2008

Ok so FIVE years ago today Kevin and I got married. Tonight after the movie we wanted to go see was sold out we came home, sent the nanny home, poured a glass of wine, grabbed the chips & salsa, and took a trip down memory lane....

Yes, we watched our wedding dvd. We haven't seen our wedding dvd since before the boys were born and before I was pregnant with the boys. It's always fun watching our wedding day because it jogs our memory of things that happened that week, the night before, and the day of our wedding. My first reaction was "wow - we look really young." Kevin's first reaction was "wow - i did a fantastic job of putting this dvd together."

Some of my more funny favorite memories from watching the dvd were me not being able to walk on that friggin white carpet thing with my father, my father & father in law pushing their bellies FAVORITE all time pic of them, my mother in law picking her nose during the rehearsal (yes we caught her on video doing this), the proud mary dance with uncle robby, the proud mary dance where kevin comes in at the end and gets all the credit, ..... i won't bore everyone reading this (which probably isn't a lot of people anyway) with the rest of my funny memories because I could go on for hours.

With the funny memories come the more serious ones... the ones that get you all choked up inside.... my father in law's toast...gets us every time we watch it...dancing with my dad, our vows, the kiss, my dress...yes, my dress makes me cry - i was so in love with that dress, our first dance, and i think the one memory that gets me all the time...lauren's toast to us. after watching it, i couldn't have asked for a better friend whom i am proud to call my sister today.

If you would have told me five years ago...or better yet if you would have told me 11 years ago that i would be where i am now ... well, wow ... I couldn't have asked for a better husband or a better life... would not change a thing..... and I will end with a quote from the card my husband gave me for our anniversary... " I can't wait to grow old & disgusting with you..."

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Your In Nation and Duty

the other day, we were getting the boys ready for baths. Before going into the bathroom...we take clothes and diapers off, and let them run around naked for a short while in the hall way. Well, the two of them were standing at the closed bathroom door waiting to go in. Kaeden, closest to the door, started peeing. The pee stream at first was hitting the bathroom door, which I think got his attention. I believe this is the first time he has peed outside of wearing a diaper, and i think it took him by surprise. As he realized what was happening, he looked down and then up at us then down again (like..'what tha..?"), and proceeded to move backwards as if trying to get away from what was happening. As he continued to pee, he seemed to have no idea what was going on. It was rather humorous. Which leads me to my next story....about last night....

Again, it was bath night. So you can imagine...that it was diaper-less time. I am not a big fan of this...because of having to clean up urine. Tracy prefers to do it, to give them some freedom and air out their bottoms in case of diaper rash. So I go any smart husband should/would. So...this time, we decided to let them roam around the living room FREE. Tracy de-clothes Kaeden and sends him to living room, and says to me awww take pictures of them's cute. So I oblige, and I go get camera in studio and tracy returns to bedroom to undress Quinton. I am gone but a mere 1minute, IF THAT and as I am returning with camera I am thinking...'sheesh I hope he's not peeing'. Well I enter living room and I see him standing completely still not moving at all....and think oh man..He's PEEING...then I see something drop off his but...and it a panic driven voice I say WHOAH WHOAH I say this, Kaeden reacts to my whoahs by looking straight at me, puppy eyes and all, with his arms out and shoulders shrugged, as if to say "what daddy? what's the matter? did I do something wrong?" Behind him is a pile of doody, and small trail which leads to him and the bottom of his foot. Yes, he pooped, then stepped in it, then walked across carpet. SO....Tracy came in to help briefly, while Quinton played in the bedroom. As I finished cleaning Kaeden, I hear tracy yelling from their bedroom, I am concerned because I can't make out what she is yelling and Quinton was like i said briefly in the room alone, I thought he might be hurt or something. But no....I walk into their room with Kaeden, and I see Quinton standing there, while Tracy is laughing hysterically ....there is a nice sized LOG on the floor beneath where Quinton is standing. Luckily it was an easier clean up than Kaeden's becuase one, it was nice clean evacuated log, and it was NOT stepped in. We finally got them both cleaned up, let them run around a little more, while I scrubbed the HECK out of the carpet, THEN finally got them in the bath. YAY!!! Fun Stuff!!

Next time I propose not letting them run around without diapers, unless the diaper we remove from them has a fresh deposit in it.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Kaeden & Quinton

Just wanted to share the video below with everyone...
This seems to be the usual routine at night during story time before bed, when they both are a bit silly. This time it was Kaeden trying to tick off Quinton.
I wasn't able to get the whole thing recorded. They were doing it for quite a bit, before i was able to get the camera.