**not my actual x-ray
"oh boy those MUST come out!" says the dentist!! An extremely nice dentist she is i might add...but hearing those words out of any dentist, nice or grumpy....is not fun. I will not lie, i haven't been to the dentist in quite some time...maybe about eight years.
I take great care of my teeth and I have always been told by my dentists (when i did go) that i had really healthy teeth. So my approach was, if it aint broke don't fix it. I had a dentist visit prior to our trip to NJ. The cleaning and check up went great. Dr. Lilly, our dentist, was extremely impressed with the state of my teeth being that I hadn't seen a dentist in SOO long. She said it looked like I go every six months. SEE!!! all you nay sayers!!! ;-) Flossing and brushing to a point where it could be seen as OCD, pays off :-). However the downfall of that visit was when she saw the x-rays. BAD WISDOM TEETH...BAD!!! bottom two were impacted and needed to come out, causing her to want to remove even the perfect top ones in case problems arose with them growing more into the bottom area where the bottoms were after removal...so...ALL had to come out.
This is what i had to look forward too when returning from NJ. oh JOY!
3 and a half hours i was in that chair....i think i might have gotten around 15 to 20 anesthetic shots. I told them to keep going with them, i dont care if my entire head goes numb...i didn't want to feel a thing!!!!...little did i remember that she wanted to fill 4 minor cavities that developed over this long period of anti dentitism in my life. Ahh the smell of shaved teeth is like napalm in the morning! after about 1 or 2 hrs...the surgeon was now able to remove the 'wisdom' teeth. Top ones came out with out any problems...i actually didn't even know he removed them when he did. being that the bottoms were impacted under the gum, he needed to first make an incision and then cut the teeth in half in order to remove them. the bottom left one put up a bit of a fight, which in turn started me on a downward spiral of almost passing out. With one more to go...and knowing what was in store...i started getting a bit queezy and light headed...the surgeon said that sometimes the anesthetic can get to the blood stream quick and cause this, along with palpatations, queeziness, and chest pain (just what i want to hear with my BP and arrhythmia). oh and it had nothing to do with my envisioning what they were doing inside my mouth with a mini dremmel, a metal hook and a mini shoe horn. not to mention a suction hose that kept falling to the back of my throat making me gag constantly. well, during my very manly moment i felt my pulse slow down to what I thnk was about 30bpm...white face and all, they had to invert the chair to get blood circulating to the head....since nothing seemed to be working, sweats coming on strongly, they had to get out the good boy oxygen tank...AHH now that's what I need! sure enough with in a few minutes...i was back up on the horse ready for more prodding, digging, chiseling, and pulling.
last one came out easier than the 3rd. Whew...i was done!!! I received all my meds a prescription for Tylenol w/ Codine and I was on my way. Recovery has been good...little swelling, hardly any pain...no more bleeding...and i get to lay in bed for a few days while mommy takes care of the three boys :-)
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