Saturday, August 25, 2007

go vote...

for me photoblog :-)
If anyone could spare a moment, go rate my photoblog over at
Now that I am maintaining a daily photoblog, I am doing what I can to drive traffic to it. So I started posting it on some photoblog community sites in order to amp up the visitors. The higher and more ratings I have the more chance people will visit.
The reason I'd like this to happen is, when other photographers (sometimes pros) who also have blogs visit other's sites the routine is to often leave comments pertaining to that daily photo. Comments can range from positive feedback to constructive criticism. So I figured in order for me to grow as a photographer, any and all input would be helpful.

Thanks everyone, and while you are there, check out some other blogs...there are some crazy good photographers out there, that are not even pros.

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