Thursday, October 25, 2007


Massive recall on scissors through out the United States. The ASI (Agency for the Safety of Ignoramuses) has put out a recall for millions upon millions of scissors to be voluntarily turned in...due to a new discovery that one, if not many persons, may be seriously injured if said person runs with the sharp scissor device.The Agency says, "We have had many lawsuits and complaints of people getting hurt by using these devices improperly. It was in the best interest of the citizens of each of the U.S. states, for us to issue this recall."

I am sarcastic because of this recall:
Bumbo Recall

Come on people really? It says right on the darn not sit child in it while on an elevated surface or while unattended.
COMMON SENSE PEOPLE!!!! It's not the manufacturers fault if you fail to follow directions!!!

We better start to consider recalling stoves and no, wait, even fire....yes we need to recall fire...because it is dangerous if handled improperly. Well that might be a tough one to recall.....But I wouldn't put it past some people to try and send fire in the mail. Be right back....gotta warn the mail man.

call me pessimistic...but sorry, it's just another nail in the coffin of our collective common sense.

*and I don't need to take a chill pill. Just because I voice my agitation for people who lack common sense does not mean I am wound tight. Good day SIR.....I SAID... GOOD DAY.


  1. This is a quote from the government warning. Okay, you own the Bumbo and they expect you to order a warning sticker. Morons.

    [It adds that consumers can contact Bumbo to obtain warning label stickers and instructions, free of charge. The new warning label will state: "WARNING -- Prevent Falls; Never use on any elevated surface."]

    Oh, and what word?

  2. I totally agree. It is ridiculous. There are pretty stupid people out there.

  3. It is all about people just not having any common sense and looking to blame someone else for their shear stupidity.

    All the more reason that any person who wants to have kids (they don't come with warning labels) should have to pass a common sense test.

    Laugh but everyone reading this I'm sure knows at least one or more people who wouldn't pass that test! :>)

    My rant is over....and I am wound a little too tight!
