I woke up this morning to head out to Rite Aid. Went out side and sat in my car around 7:20am. There was FROST everywhere on the car. Of course the first thing that came to mind was, 'oh I'll just get out and scrape the ice off the windows....oh WAIT...I LIVE IN LA, I DON'T HAVE AN ICE SCRAPER!!!!!" So i turned on all the heat, and the seat heaters, got out of car, and went back into the house. Waiting for 5 minutes in the house was enough time to allow the car to warm up and de-ice itself. As I stood there and watched the steam plummet from the tail pipe, i thought to myself....I live in LA right? Why am I needing to warm up my car in the morning!?!?! CRAZY!
Which now brings me to my next pondering...
Yesterday on the way to the gym I was driving north on Winnetka Blvd, and just north of the valley here there is a mountain range...which is the north set of mountains of the 'Valley'. Well as I was driving, i had to do a few double takes at the tops of the mountains, because over the 5 years I have been living here in the Valley, I have NEVER ONCE, seen white caps on these mountains....reason being, is the altitude of the tops of those mountains/hills is not that high. I could not believe what i was seeing. It really took my by surprise. Below is a pic I took with my phone...the tops of the mountains look farther away in the pic than they do in real life.